Vol. 2, Tip #2 Strong Values = Solid Foundation for Success

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It’s the First day of school, I’m a Parent and I’M FREAKIN’ OUT!
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Tip #29: Making Your Dream Come True, Part 4: Potholes
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Vol. 1, Tip #28: Making Your Dream Come True, Part 3: Failure
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Vol. 1, Tip #26: How To Dream, Part 1: The Price

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Vol. 1, Tip #25: A Menu of Choices
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Vol. 1, Tip #24: What to do on a Bad Day
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Vol. 1, Tip #22: The Problem with Good Intentions, Part 2

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HELP! I Married someone with ADHD! {Staying organized}

If you pay attention to mainstream media and what it has to say about ADHD, you could easily assume that ADHD somehow disappears once you turn 18. Completely untrue! ADHD is not something that you “grow out of” and it very much persists into adulthood. The big difference between kids and adults with ADHD is […]
Excuses are a dead-end!

I mastered Excuses 101 somewhere around the 5th grade. And I rode that wagon all through school, and to some degree, through college. Having ADHD is hard enough when you’re in junior high/high school, but at least (hopefully!) you have parents and teachers helping you. When you move onto college, that structure, the support that […]
Is your ADHD child ready for college?

For us parents with kids who need a bit more extra help and attention than some other children, sometimes we forget that one day, very soon, our child will be a young adult and ready to head out to the real world, or rather, that place that is not quite home and not quite the […]
Bring It: How to Get Everything Done Before the Weekend
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How to Succeed in College Despite Being ADHD
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ADHD Guy on the Road – Abingdon, Illinois
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