Title: Centers for New Horizons Conference
Location: Alsip, IL
Description: Conference for Day care Home Providers and Center Staff (private event)
Date: 2009-06-20

The Centers for New Horizons conference was a blast! It’s been a long time since I’ve had an adult audience with all the energy of a large group of middle schoolers, but you ladies know how to party! I got a little nervous when I took my jacket off to draw and there was whooping from the audience, but it’s all good. 😀

Sabrina, Cheryl, thank you both for seeing to Larry and my every need. And Valerie, thanks for being such a go-getter – I know you were a little worried about all the requirements, but everything was flawless!

I hope everyone walked away encouraged and inspired – I know it was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with you all.

Have a great summer!