Put Your Heart into Everything You Do!

If you want to be enthusiastic, act enthusiastic, Dale Carnegie is credited with saying. What I get out of that is that we shouldn’t wait for our external circumstances to dictate how happy or satisfied we are going to be in our day-to-day lives. We have to make a decision to embrace life, to pour […]

Vol. 2 Tip #10; Let Challenging times make you Stronger

You might have noticed that “overcoming” is a recurring theme in my messages, my books and my videos. I like to talk about the importance of persevering through life’s obstacles, never giving up and continuing to move forward. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m starting to sound just a little bit cliched, but I also can’t […]

Vol. 2, Tip #3 You Can Handle the Truth!

As a parent, I’ve had to deal with my share of fibs and outright lies from my girls, and I’ve made it a priority to teach them that honesty is the best policy. Lots of people lie, about big things and little things, but ultimately, the lying catches up with you. I’m trying to help […]

Laughter is the Best Medicine

There are studies showing that laughter can boost the immune system, reduce stress & cultivate optimism. When I was in HS my family went through the pain of divorce. A lot of things helped us survive mentally & emotionally, but nothing as much as my brother Sam’s sense of humor. If your heart is aching, laughter IS the best medicine.

Check out this really funny bit from one of Sam’s messages:

Your kids WILL thank you!

Being an advocate for your child is a LOT of work. Never for a moment doubt that it is a worthwhile investment of your time & energy. Some day your kids WILL thank you for it! 🙂

Youth Conference Ministries Conference, Cleveland, TN

I’ve lost track of how many years I’ve been the morning speaker at YCM‘s The Great Escape conference at Lee university, but I can definitely tell you that it’s a blast each time! Awesome group of kids and volunteers! [youtube id=”wQ7C1XvAQYs”]