Chicago School for Agricultural Sciences
Location: Chicago, IL
Link out: Click here
Description: Assembly (private event)
Date: 2009-05-05

I got up at 5am this morning to drive up to do a couple of assemblies at Chicago School for Agricultural Sciences – probably one of the most unique high schools I’ve ever been to! This is no regular school, but an actual farm! A 70 acre farm to be precise – the school’s campus is the largest farm in the Chicagoland area – how wild is that!? I got to tour the school and had the pleasure of meeting

Lucy the pig, the school’s mascot. I was also completely fascinated by the tanks of “home-grown” tilapia – kinda wished I brought my fishing pole – it could have been a good fishing day for me!

The school is super competitive to get into and it really felt like the students took pride in being there. I met some awesome people today: Maggie, Mike, the dude that wants to be, not just any vet, but an International Vet and a few more whose names I just can’t remember!! I’m really, really bad with names, but  I’m great with faces. I might not remember your name, but I’ll know I’ve met you somewhere – does that count?

Lucille, our sponsor, was great to work with and I wanted to thank her for all her hard work in making these events possible.

I hope you guys have a great rest of the year and finish it out strong.

Now I’m off to do some fishing on my mom’s pond in Dixon, IL.

Over and out.