Love this quote: “There’s no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.John Holmes

Generosity shouldn’t have a season, but we are definitely reminded and inspired to be more thoughtful, generous and giving during the holiday season. Call it the spirit of Christmas!

Even before I knew about the greatest Gift of all, my mother was already setting a wonderful example of what it was like to be giver. I’ll never forget her cookie baking sprees, where every corner of the kitchen and the house was filled with plates and boxes of amazing Christmas cookies that she gifted to everyone around her. I think some of that joy of giving rubbed off on me because I get a huge kick out of the whole gift-giving experience. Everything from planning what to get everyone, to doing the shopping, and the wrapping. It is not uncommon to have my wife refer to me as Martha during this time of year. 😛

One thing I’ve learned that’s made giving even more fun is that it’s important to give out of your passion. Sometimes, we get caught up in the idea that there are just a few ways to give and make an impact: donating money, volunteering at a soup kitchen or participating in food or clothing drives, but there are as many ways to give as there are interests. And keep in mind that the subject of your giving does not necessarily need to be the most obviously needy member of your community. Everyone has needs and struggles regardless of their socio-economic status. If something you love to do, fits the need of another person, that could be a great opportunity for your generosity!

[youtube id=”aP6kxN0SE2o”]

2 Responses

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    THANK YOU for all that you do!!!!