
You probably know that studies have found a link between diet & ADHD. Kids especially are affected by the kinds of foods they eat, but even adults shouild be watching what they put into their bodies. That said, I love Cheetos. To be “good”, I’ve been buying “natural” cheetos. You laughing yet? Imagine my shock when I discovered that I got suckered in by some good marketing – good, “natural” (as the packaging described them) Cheetos do not exist. Are you reading those labels??


As much as I talk about the joy of ADHD, I don’t want to negate the challenges that come with it especially for parents of young kids who have it. Most of my experiences come from being an ADHDer & where I am with it now as an adult, but now that I have kids, & both of them are displaying various ADHD traits I am being forced to look at ADHD through different eyes.

This week is dedicated to all those parents who have to endure the “insanity” that is a young child with ADHD. You guys are amazing! Hang in there, it will get easier as your child gets older and takes more responsibility for their actions.