
I’m told that being married to an ADHDer can be a bit of a challenge. 😀 My wife says that one of her biggest frustrations is that I can never finish a “home projects” in one go. I’m embarrassed to admit that there have been “honey-dos” around the home that should have taken me 5 hrs to complete, but instead took 2 yrs!

What are some struggles in your relationships with ADHDers? And how do you deal with the situations? My wife has fine-tuned the art of catching the right moment to get me back on track with lack-luster, but necessary tasks. She says, she tries to catch me while I’m rested, up-beat and on the cusp of some fun, adventure-filled activity. Of course, sometimes she just threatens to beat me up…Joking! 🙂


Two weeks of travel can wreak havoc on my “home schedule”. It takes me 3-4 days to readjust to home unless I plan ahead. Even though ADHDers tend to do well in fluid settings, we still need some structure to make getting and staying on task possible. Before going on a long trip, I write down where I left off on my top 2-3 projects and what needs to be done when I return. This is a great tool to help me get back on track with minimum drama.

If you’re a list-maker, it’s important to not make the list too long and expansive. A big to-do list will just overwhelm. Get your “sympathetic enforcer” to help with narrowing down the list to the most important and urgent items.