
To become a useful tool, a fidget has to lose some of it’s “new” appeal first, especially with the younger kids, so let them mess with it until it gets “old”, then allow them to bring it into situations where they need to focus. In this way, it won’t be a huge distraction, just a little one. Small enough to occupy the squirrely part of their brain so they pay attention to what’s important.


Great news for all you ADHD students and maybe not so great news for all you parents of ADHD students – SUMMER IS HERE! With school letting out for summer vacation, what big summer plans do u have? Are you taking a break from your meds? Either way, plan to use the power of your ADHD brain & get creative! Make a movie, write a book, paint a masterpiece, invent something! Let’s hear all the wild and creative ideas u want to put into action this summer!