Show some compassion…to Yourself!

It’s a happy day here in Indianapolis! With the worst of the Polar Vortex (aka Indiana Snowpocalypse!) behind us, the snow piles slowly melting, the kids are finally back in school today, after having their winter break extended by a WEEK!! (Thank you Lord!) So now I can resume some of my more normal morning activities …


This week I thought I’d let Larry (my traveling buddy aka The Old Guy) do the Thought for the Day. Larry doesn’t have ADHD, but he gets to observe me up-close & personal + he’s worked with kids his whole life (as a pastor, counselor and teacher). I think he has some great stuff to share!

Larry says:

People with ADHD display a heart that is sensitive and generous to the needs of others. I saw this often in the students I used to teach who struggled with ADHD. They were the peacemakers, the ones most willing to share, and those students who consistently expressed compassion. That’s Ben; he hurts when others hurt and he loves to share his resources with those who are struggling.