Vol. 2 Tip #12 Face Your Fears

I’ll be the first to admit that building a successful life can be scary. Why? Because you have to make a lot of decisions the outcomes of which depend greatly on things that you can’t control…which might mean that everything doesn’t go according to plan. And none of us love the idea of failure. Fear […]

Finding your Motivation and Staying the Course

There are days when you just don’t feel like doing anything. What’s the point? you ask yourself. I’ve been slaving away at this job/project/idea/marriage for days/weeks/months/years and there doesn’t seem to be a pay-off in sight. I’m tired of this whole thing and it’s time for a change. Usually, this is the point where a lot […]

HELP! I Married someone with ADHD! {Communication #1}

Continuing on with my “HELP! I married someone with ADHD”, series (see intro post HERE), I want to stress the importance that listening & hearing plays in any relationship. It’s a well known fact that spouses of people with ADHD often feel like their partner does not listen to them. This may or may not be […]

HELP! I Married someone with ADHD! {Staying organized}

If you pay attention to mainstream media and what it has to say about ADHD, you could easily assume that ADHD somehow disappears once you turn 18. Completely untrue! ADHD is not something that you “grow out of” and it very much persists into adulthood. The big difference between kids and adults with ADHD is […]