ADHD Guy on the Road: Trafalgar, Indiana

It was a great pleasure to spend the evening with the Teens for God group! You guys were awesome! [youtube id=”KiQAWYFczbI”]
ADHD Kids – Can They Multitask?
[youtube id=”nGImeHipcew”]
Just read another article (from Adelaide, Australia) about parents of ADHD kids talking about the lack of understanding that the general population has about ADHD. Sigh. The worst part? The comments! People are not only ignorant, but just downright mean! And did I mention ignorant? If you know someone with ADHD or a parent with kids who have ADHD, go give them a hug right now. Seriously. They need it!
You probably know that studies have found a link between diet & ADHD. Kids especially are affected by the kinds of foods they eat, but even adults shouild be watching what they put into their bodies. That said, I love Cheetos. To be “good”, I’ve been buying “natural” cheetos. You laughing yet? Imagine my shock when I discovered that I got suckered in by some good marketing – good, “natural” (as the packaging described them) Cheetos do not exist. Are you reading those labels??
As much as I talk about the joy of ADHD, I don’t want to negate the challenges that come with it especially for parents of young kids who have it. Most of my experiences come from being an ADHDer & where I am with it now as an adult, but now that I have kids, & both of them are displaying various ADHD traits I am being forced to look at ADHD through different eyes.
This week is dedicated to all those parents who have to endure the “insanity” that is a young child with ADHD. You guys are amazing! Hang in there, it will get easier as your child gets older and takes more responsibility for their actions.