Larry says,
ADHDers are well suited for keeping pace with our DSL high speed society. Ben gets more done in a day than any non-ADHDer I know. HE’s like the energizer bunny. His energy can be contagious & often ignites me to greater productivity. His high quantity of work is matched by high quality. Ben does need to be encouraged to focus on prioritizing & completion. Once again, that’s when I show up.
This week I thought I’d let Larry (my traveling buddy aka The Old Guy) do the Thought for the Day. Larry doesn’t have ADHD, but he gets to observe me up-close & personal + he’s worked with kids his whole life (as a pastor, counselor and teacher). I think he has some great stuff to share!
Larry says:
People with ADHD display a heart that is sensitive and generous to the needs of others. I saw this often in the students I used to teach who struggled with ADHD. They were the peacemakers, the ones most willing to share, and those students who consistently expressed compassion. That’s Ben; he hurts when others hurt and he loves to share his resources with those who are struggling.
A lot of people wonder how I got my start speaking and drawing. I was an 18 year old basketball player at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes summer camp where I met Bill Leach, an 80 year old performing chalk artist. Bill and I hit it off and before he passed away he encouraged me to continue on with what he had started 50 years prior. I began speaking to small church groups, but eventually expanded to speaking to school students and ultimately, educators and parents. Always wanting to remember my roots and knowing that a lot of you saw me for the first time at a Christian event, on the weekends I’m going to take a break from my goal of simplifying and finding new things that make ADHD work, and encourage you to check out a blog written by my Road Manager / Chaplin / Old guy – Larry Medcalfe called Seeking God Daily. Come Monday will be back to work on everything ADHD! Hope you enjoy Larry’s blog. God Bless you this weekend.