Vol. 1, Tip #27: Making Your Dream Come True, Part 2: What are you willing to Sacrifice?
[youtube id=”q8TnST8Rzeg”]
Vol. 1, Tip #26: How To Dream, Part 1: The Price
[youtube id=”BUyewsq91Po”]
Vol. 1, Tip #25: A Menu of Choices
[youtube id=”BCz_1sIhfPs”]
Vol. 1, Tip #24: What to do on a Bad Day
[youtube id=”4xkJIskpdR8″]
Vol. 1, Tip #23: You’re Super but you can Still Get Sick
[youtube id=”HAiG3tLHVg4″]
Freddy The Frog Bomber – A story of Perseverance!
[youtube id=”FmEMLkn5FXk”]
ADHD Guy on the Road – Scottsbluff, NE
[youtube id=”3JbBFLFBk4E”]
Tip #11: Words, Part 1: The Power
[youtube id=”zavGcdEjjCk”]
This week I thought I’d let Larry (my traveling buddy aka The Old Guy) do the Thought for the Day. Larry doesn’t have ADHD, but he gets to observe me up-close & personal + he’s worked with kids his whole life (as a pastor, counselor and teacher). I think he has some great stuff to share!
Larry says:
People with ADHD display a heart that is sensitive and generous to the needs of others. I saw this often in the students I used to teach who struggled with ADHD. They were the peacemakers, the ones most willing to share, and those students who consistently expressed compassion. That’s Ben; he hurts when others hurt and he loves to share his resources with those who are struggling.