I thought I’d Never Say This, but…Reading is Good For You!

Growing us with Dyslexia was no fun for many reasons, but one I can recall with great certainty is how much I struggled with reading. Some kids hated gym, others despised math, me? I loathed English class and hated reading comprehension activities. It’s no secret that when I started college, my reading and writing skills […]

Vol. 2 Tip #8: You gotta have Faith!

What are you putting your faith in? It goes without saying that having faith in something bigger than yourself, a spiritual faith is vital. At least I believe so. But what about the other kind of faith. The one that takes us out of our comfort zones and helps us to go farther, bigger, better, […]

Vol. 2 Tip #7 Accountability helps with integrity

Accountability is a concept that doesn’t get a lot of screen time, but I believe it is a crucial part of becoming better at everything you want to get better at, including being a person of your word. If you struggle with reaching your goals in any area of your life including being a person […]

Vol. 2, Tip #3 You Can Handle the Truth!

As a parent, I’ve had to deal with my share of fibs and outright lies from my girls, and I’ve made it a priority to teach them that honesty is the best policy. Lots of people lie, about big things and little things, but ultimately, the lying catches up with you. I’m trying to help […]