
People with ADHD tend to get stressed out easily & this often leads to a mental/emotional shut/melt-down. One of the best ways to prevent this cycle is by having direction. If you have ADHD, ask your spouse/parent/teacher to help you prioritize. If you’re the spouse/parent/teacher, know the warning sighs & be prepared to step in with a plan.

Assuming that the ADHDer is open to being directed and has someone to “oversee” them, it all comes down to timing. People w/ADHD can go from 0-99 on the frustration scale very quickly and if you’re not paying attention to the cues, you’ll miss the window to steer them clear of a shut/melt-down. Not surprisingly recovering from the rapid downward spiral and getting back on track is much harder than preventing it in the first place.


Two weeks of travel can wreak havoc on my “home schedule”. It takes me 3-4 days to readjust to home unless I plan ahead. Even though ADHDers tend to do well in fluid settings, we still need some structure to make getting and staying on task possible. Before going on a long trip, I write down where I left off on my top 2-3 projects and what needs to be done when I return. This is a great tool to help me get back on track with minimum drama.

If you’re a list-maker, it’s important to not make the list too long and expansive. A big to-do list will just overwhelm. Get your “sympathetic enforcer” to help with narrowing down the list to the most important and urgent items.