Check out the video I made to try and get on the show Dirty Jobs!

I don't know if I'm just weird, but I love the show Dirty Jobs. It's the perfect ADD candy and never fails to capture my attention. One day, I was watching one of the episodes after a show I did – I was a total mess – it was summer and very hot and I was covered with chalk dust from head to toe. I think the hotel receptionist almost called the cops when I walked in to go to my room. So it hit me – I have a dirty job…sort of. 🙂  It's not gross or anything, but I do get quite messy and it would be a nice change for Mike to not have to do something totally disgusting.

So check out the video and leave Mike a note if you think he and I should partner up on some chalkin'!

[youtube id=”REgrqkXlfVQ”] 

8 Responses

  1. Mike Rowe you should feature this dirty job on your show many people would insprired by it

  2. my class got to go see ben and we absolutley loved it he is by far the best artist i know with chalk and you shoukdve seen everyone when he change it we all freaked but then it got better. mike all ive got to say is go for it this guy will not let you down!YOU RULE BEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I love Dirty Jobs and been is amasing and a really nice guy he was at my school of cape fear high school. and my community youth celebration i think it would be a great experience for mike and a amasing experience for his viewers.

  4. Thanks for coming to Somerset Middle School today!!! Great job today! You were very inspiring and caught my attention right away with the way you opened the speech! I especially like the smelly markers part! I think this would be a great idea and opportunity for Mike Rowe. I would totally watch that episode! It would be funny to watch the way he would mess it up! That’s why i enjoy watching Dirt Jobs, to see what he messes up and what he doesn’t. If you do get him to come and do this with you, see if you can come back to somerset middle school (if its still this year) and if its next year, Somerset High School. I would really enjoy to watch that in person, you and mike having a chalk-off or something (like the 2 of you doing a separate canvas, and see who’s is better) Good luck to you!!!!