Title: Kaneland School District
Location: Maple Park, IL
Description: 1p Assembly (Private Event)
6:30p Parent Event (Open to the public)
Date: 2009-04-06
It was great to be back at Kaneland High School yesterday! In the afternoon, I spoke to a large group of 5th and 6th graders who will all be transitioning to a new building next school year. It will be quite a change for most of them, as they leave their small, old schools behind and merge with a bunch of other middle schoolers in the district in a large, new facility. I can see how that could be both exciting and intimidating. I love speaking to this age group – they have just the right kind of ADHD energy!
The evening presentation was phenomenal! The school had 114 people pre-register to attend, but we ended up with almost 300 people as students dragged their parents to see the presentation. Thanks guys! Appreciate you braving the nasty weather to come out and show me some love!
As always, every event is an opportunity to meet some incredible people who are making a difference in the lives of students and the community. I was really impressed with the kinds of things that Fran Eggleston, the principal at Kaneland McDole Elementary School and also the head of their Special Ed., Programming is doing with their students. One of them is something that I touch on briefly in my book, but it’s the concept of giving kids with Learning Disabilities, even younger kids, an opportunity to have a say in how they can learn better. I think it’s really important to allow some degree of control in a situation where a person may feel like they have no say whatsoever – I wish somebody had asked me what I thought back when I was diagnosed! So, go Fran!
A huge thank you to Christi, the Super Secretary, and your husband for putting together such stellar frames for me. Textbook! And also to Sara Mumm for all your help!
Thanks for having me back, Kaneland. Hope to see you all again in the not too distant future!