Vol. 2 Tip #15; Learn to be Content and Enjoy Life

Life is not perfect. And it never will be, but the key to enjoying the life you have, as imperfect as it may be, is to learn to be content and fully live in the present moment. Of course, this is much harder to do than it sounds and takes most of us years to […]
Vol. 2 Tip #14 Humility; More than just an old-fashioned concept
In the era of funeral selfies (yes! Funeral!) and shameless self-promotion in every shape, form and size possible, humility seems like a quaint old-fashioned concept not designed for the modern times. I happen to think though, that humility is essential to the kind of success that is long-lasting and meaningful. Please don’t confuse “humility” with […]
Vol. 2 Tip #13 Stop Comparing Yourself to Everyone else!

I spend a lot of time thinking about this thing called “self-esteem”. The idea of “self-esteem” was born sometime in the 19th century and has become a concept that has had a somewhat bumpy reputation. (Here’s a good little article that talks about the history of self-esteem , in case you’re curious!) For my purposes, […]
Vol. 2 Tip #12 Face Your Fears

I’ll be the first to admit that building a successful life can be scary. Why? Because you have to make a lot of decisions the outcomes of which depend greatly on things that you can’t control…which might mean that everything doesn’t go according to plan. And none of us love the idea of failure. Fear […]
Vol. 2 Tip #11; Have Hope!

Having hope that the future holds something better for you is vital to your success. You might have the skills, the talents and the abilities, but without hope, you just won’t get there. Hope is not just a feel-good emotion, but according to psychologists, it is a dynamic cognitive motivational system, translation? it’s the thing […]
Vol. 2 Tip #9 Know What you believe in and Why
It’s really important to believe in something. Faith has a direct impact on what we do and why we do it. Trick is you can’t believe in just anything and you shouldn’t accept the beliefs of others blindly. KNOW why you believe what you believe. Understand the foundation of your faith by finding out what […]
Vol. 2 Tip #7 Accountability helps with integrity
Accountability is a concept that doesn’t get a lot of screen time, but I believe it is a crucial part of becoming better at everything you want to get better at, including being a person of your word. If you struggle with reaching your goals in any area of your life including being a person […]
Vol. 2 Tip #5 Integrity Matters!

I read somewhere a while back that success will come and go, but integrity is forever. That is so true! Integrity is basically doing the right thing at all times and in all situations even when no one is watching. It takes a long time to build up a reputation of being a person of […]
Tip #30: Experience is What you Make of it
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Tip #29: Making Your Dream Come True, Part 4: Potholes
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Vol. 1, Tip #28: Making Your Dream Come True, Part 3: Failure
[youtube id=”r7mRCutBxYc”]
Vol. 1, Tip #27: Making Your Dream Come True, Part 2: What are you willing to Sacrifice?
[youtube id=”q8TnST8Rzeg”]
Vol. 1, Tip #26: How To Dream, Part 1: The Price

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Vol. 1, Tip #25: A Menu of Choices
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