
Friendships usually grow out of common interests and become stronger as you spend more time together. Friendship is a contact sport so you have to get out and get involved. It can be scary, but have realistic expectations – do you really need a posse? or will one good, loyal friend meet your need for companionship? ADHDers tend to wear their hearts on their sleeve and can get hurt easily, but that’s a risk you need to take if you want to build meaningful relationships.


At a camp several years ago, I asked a roomful of junior highers what was most important to them. Top of the list? Friends! (I’m sure friends are in the Top 5 no matter your age.) In this day of social media you know exactly how many friends you have – just check your Facebook profile, right? But how many of these people are true friends to you? So today’s thought is: What makes someone a true friend?