Laughter is the Best Medicine

There are studies showing that laughter can boost the immune system, reduce stress & cultivate optimism. When I was in HS my family went through the pain of divorce. A lot of things helped us survive mentally & emotionally, but nothing as much as my brother Sam’s sense of humor. If your heart is aching, laughter IS the best medicine.

Check out this really funny bit from one of Sam’s messages:

Your kids WILL thank you!

Being an advocate for your child is a LOT of work. Never for a moment doubt that it is a worthwhile investment of your time & energy. Some day your kids WILL thank you for it! 🙂


I now have my own blog on! Really excited about the opportunity to reach that many more parents and teachers! If you have topic suggestions that are centered around education for kids with ADHD, let me know! See link below to read my first post!


I keep coming back to the same conclusion: The right school can make a WORLD of difference in your student’s life. I want to go out on a limb here and say that it is better to blow that college fund on a great middle/high school than to hang onto that money. The foundation of self-esteem & love of learning is cemented early. Be vigilant about your child’s school! If you’ve got a great school – tell us about it!


Not knowing for sure that you have ADHD is like fighting an invisible enemy. It’s hard to fight the battle when you can’t see your opponent. Yes, a diagnosis of any mental disorder carries some stigma with it, but denial is worse in the long run. Don’t be afraid to seek help!


First: I had a blast in Flora, IL yesterday – great groups! Lots of laughs! Will try & post a short video clip soon. Second: I think we’re going to hit the “tipping point” with ADHD one of these days and all the non-believers & the naysayers will be silenced. It will happen sooner if all the people who “get” ADHD speak up & lose the fear of being ridiculed and/or judged. There are millions of us out there!! Let’s make a ruckus!!

Check out this article about “Silencing the Skeptics” on


I just saw a poll on that made me curious; 33% of people who responded said that an ADHD diagnosis in themselves or their kid made them feel shame & they were uncomfortable talking about the diagnosis w/others. 30% of people felt relieved as the big mystery of their lives was revealed, 10% felt regret at not knowing sooner, 8% were glad because now they could get treatment and “get better” & 5% were sad because the things that made them different actually turned out to be a “disorder”. How did you feel?


Most of us have a tendency to dwell on the negative in our lives; ADHDers even more so. That one mean comment or unpleasant conversation can swim around in our minds for days. Learn to let go. Don’t waste precious time obsessing about things you have no control over. Focus on the things that make you feel good; look for the positive! Have a great day today!

Researchers find genetic link for ADHD.

Read an article today that said that some researchers in the UK have found a genetic link to ADHD. While they cannot say for sure to what extent the disorder is caused by genetic vs. environmental factors this is still great progress! One step closer to removing the ADHD-related ignorance & discrimination!


Remember that praise works better to motivate people w/ADHD to do the right thing than coming down hard with punishment & threats. Science has proven that ADHD is not caused by deficiency of character or morals, or poor parenting but that is a neurological disorder, like autism, or depression or OCD. Now go say something nice to that ADHDer in your life!


Larry says,

ADHDers are well suited for keeping pace with our DSL high speed society. Ben gets more done in a day than any non-ADHDer I know. HE’s like the energizer bunny. His energy can be contagious & often ignites me to greater productivity. His high quantity of work is matched by high quality. Ben does need to be encouraged to focus on prioritizing & completion. Once again, that’s when I show up.


Larry says,

ADHDers are entrepreneurs at heart. They ooze resourcefulness and creativity. Ben not only sees most everything with his physical eyes, he also sees possibilities in his mind’s eye that most people never consider. I love nearly all of his ideas but sometimes he experiences a brain overload. His mind becomes a tangled web of ideas. That’s where I come into the picture. 🙂


Larry says,

People with ADHD notice and hear just about everything that’s being done or said around them. They seem to have an internal sensor that is attentive to sights and sounds that those of us without ADHD do not have. Ben is more sensitive to detail, rarely gets lost, sees the funny in places & situations I normally miss, observes beauty in the obscure, and can be entertained by walking around Wal-mart.