The Power of the Project

Most people might think that giving a project to someone with ADD is a great way to make sure that it won’t get done. That we would work on it for a few moments until we get distracted by something and that would be that. Nothing can be further from the truth…if you give us […]

The Power of Consistent Repetition

A lesson that I’ve learned over and over is that repetition works. If I want to be good at something, I need to do it a ton of times.

I grew up with learning disabilities and problems with reading comprehension (a lot of people who have ADHD also have Dyslexia and other Learning Disabilities).

W. Carrollton Middle & High Schools

Title: W. Carrollton Middle & High Schools Location: W. Carrollton, OH Description: Assemblies (Private events) Date: 2009-05-14 Larry and I drove up to Dayton, the night before, in the middle of a pretty bad thunderstorm with 70 mile per hour winds whipping our car from side to side. That was fun! (not really) I had […]

Dominion High School

Title: Dominion High School Location: Potomac Falls, VA Description: Assembly & Parent/Teacher Event Date: 2009-04-20 Had an early morning today, heading out for the airport at 6am to be with all 1200 of you guys for the assembly. Nothing like a gymnasium packed with screaming kids to make my ADHD happy! I had a blast! […]

South Dakota FBLA State Conference

Title: FBLA State Conference Location: Aberdeen, SD Start Date: 2009-04-05 End Date: 2009-04-06 Landed in Aberdeen after an uneventful flight. The Minneapolis – Aberdeen leg of the flight was on one of those little prop planes…not really a fan of those. Looking forward to speaking tonight! Update: Off the stage and back in my room […]