Title: W. Carrollton Middle & High Schools
Location: W. Carrollton, OH
Description: Assemblies (Private events)
Date: 2009-05-14
Larry and I drove up to Dayton, the night before, in the middle of a pretty bad thunderstorm with 70 mile per hour winds whipping our car from side to side. That was fun! (not really) I had a really hard time falling asleep at the hotel because the wind and rain made it sound like some dude was driving his souped up John Deere tractor outside my window. It would have been a good time to have some earplugs or something. 🙂I was at W. Carrollton 2 years ago and my painting from that event was still hanging up in the high school cafeteria – cool! I guess I have the high school students to thank for my return visit – thanks for requesting me guys! 🙂
It was great to meet the superintendent of the school district, Rusty Clifford! Now here’s a guy who truly has a passion for students, teachers and for providing a positive environment for learning AND teaching.
A special thanks to Connie for making sure that everything was ready for the events; Haley, keep movin’ forward – wishing you a speedy recovery!
Guys, school break is just around the corner – finish strong, okay? and remember: Keep moving forward!
ps. Check out this video of Larry leading a clap-a-thon with the Elementary school kids. Who knew that clapping could be so tricky?
W. Carroltton School District Assembly from Ben Glenn, The Simple ADHD Xpert on Vimeo.
your show was amazing, all the colors in the sky were beautiful.I hope you will be at WC middle school next year so i can see you again.
I was one of the sixth graders at the middle school and what you said about spiders is true for me. A huge wolf spider came out of my bag scared then it is now my pet.
reply if you can.