
Time is our most precious commodity and if you’re like me, you’re really bad with putting together a schedule that is both practical and helps you achieve all your goals in the right order. I like to work with my wife (my sympathetic enforcer!) and put together a plan for the next day the night before. Knowing what my starting point is the moment I wake up often makes the difference between a productive day and one filled with time-wasting and frustration. How do you prioritize?


Delivered from Distraction a book by Hallowell & Ratey has brought me much hope. ADHD can be overwhelming and make you feel like you’re losing your mind and that you’re all alone in your struggle. Books like this one, help you verbalize and translate what’s happening in your head. It’s a great starting point to learn about ADHD. I usually suggest it to older teens and adults who suspect that they may have ADHD or newly diagnosed individuals.