Everything I needed to succeed, I learned playing LEGOs!

If you don’t have a stash of LEGOS somewhere, you’re in the minority. It’s been estimated that seven boxes of LEGOS are sold every second around the world. Wow! I guess if nothing else, the statistics tells us that LEGOS have a pretty high fun factor! The great news is that LEGOS are not just …

Researchers find genetic link for ADHD.

Read an article today that said that some researchers in the UK have found a genetic link to ADHD. While they cannot say for sure to what extent the disorder is caused by genetic vs. environmental factors this is still great progress! One step closer to removing the ADHD-related ignorance & discrimination!

It’s never too late to be on time

I meant to tell you last week, but ADDers are notoriously late. I’m just kidding about this post being late, but we’re still characterized by our lateness.

During the first year of my career, I was late to almost every one of my shows.

The Wonderful, Magical Notebook

While I wasn’t quite Harry Potter growing up, I had a magic notebook. It wasn’t full of spells, but it saved me from getting derailed by the biggest enemy of the ADDer’s focus: a passing thought.

Please Excuse this Attack on Excuses!

ADHD comes with the gift of imaginative creativity, which, when used properly, can sprout great artwork and ideas. This creativity is a huge part of who I am and what I do. However, we can abuse that creativity as ADHD gives us a sort of a loophole that we can exploit to get out of our responsibilities.

Let Your Passions Rule…Just a Little Bit!

In an earlier blog post, I explained how I used to wait for the perfect time to pursue my passion: writing a book. It wasn’t until my wife suggested (and when I say ‘suggested’, I mean basically stood on a chair and screamed in my ear) that I needed to stop waiting and just start writing that I actually got something done. Since then, I’ve written three books and am working on my fourth as I write this.

The Power of the Project

Most people might think that giving a project to someone with ADD is a great way to make sure that it won’t get done. That we would work on it for a few moments until we get distracted by something and that would be that. Nothing can be further from the truth…if you give us …

The Power of Consistent Repetition

A lesson that I’ve learned over and over is that repetition works. If I want to be good at something, I need to do it a ton of times.

I grew up with learning disabilities and problems with reading comprehension (a lot of people who have ADHD also have Dyslexia and other Learning Disabilities).

Go Ahead and be a (Legal) Risk Taker

I once met a kid who had an interesting game that he played when he was bored. I forget whether he had a name for it, but the local authorities did: breaking and entering.

I didn’t meet this kid at a jail. He never stole anything. He just broke into people’s homes to see if he could. He loved taking risks, and since his town didn’t offer much by way of entertainment, he started inventing his own.

Defeat Frustration by finding your Outlet

At an event in Southern Indiana, I met Blake. He was a kid who had more energy than he knew what to do with, and that got him into trouble. He had no outlet for this energy, so it built up until it exploded during a time of frustration. He never hurt anyone but himself by punching a wall or doing something destructive or impulsive.

Who Beats You Up More Than Anybody?

Well, if you’re a Green Bay Packer fan, you may have problems narrowing down the answer… (you caught me – I’m a die-hard Vikings fan). 😀

I pose the above question to people wherever I go and the overwhelming number of responses is probably the one the one you were thinking of as well: Us! We beat ourselves up more than anyone else in our lives. We throw mental self-punches for a variety of reasons; we start young and do it often:

Keep the Small Worries in Your Life, Small

From 1988 until the ’90s, it was everywhere. On the radio, on t-shirts, in the movies:

Don’t Worry, Be Happy.

For Bobby McFerrin’s hit song, it wasn’t just the catchy melody that made it so popular, but its simple, much-needed message.

“Try”: A little Word that Means a Lot

If you’re a YouTube junkie, you probably know the names Paul Potts, Susan Boyle, and Jamie Pew – the three underdog heroes of the show Britain’s Got Talent. On the show, Simon Cowell usually asks the contestants, “What do you want to get out of this?

The Endless Joy That Comes with ADHD

One thing about those with ADHD: there’s no holding us down. We’re often outgoing and willing to do crazy things. And we’ll keep you wondering, “How does he keep on going?” We’re eternal Energizer bunnies running amok.