
Friendships usually grow out of common interests and become stronger as you spend more time together. Friendship is a contact sport so you have to get out and get involved. It can be scary, but have realistic expectations – do you really need a posse? or will one good, loyal friend meet your need for companionship? ADHDers tend to wear their hearts on their sleeve and can get hurt easily, but that’s a risk you need to take if you want to build meaningful relationships.


At a camp several years ago, I asked a roomful of junior highers what was most important to them. Top of the list? Friends! (I’m sure friends are in the Top 5 no matter your age.) In this day of social media you know exactly how many friends you have – just check your Facebook profile, right? But how many of these people are true friends to you? So today’s thought is: What makes someone a true friend?


I am half way through The Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Had to see for myself what all the fuss is about. The book is fun and funny and it got me thinking about getting back to journaling again. Of course I’m going to see the movie! This will be the first time in my life that I will read the book, before seeing the movie! My wife keeps telling me that the book is always better than the movie…what do you think?


An Enemy Called Average by John Mason is an oldie, but a goodie. Filled with over 100 “nuggets” of motivation, each is no longer than two pages and some are just quick quotes. I like to randomly flip to a page and see what I find. Today: “Am I on the path to something marvelous, or something absolutely mediocre?” A good question to ask yourself on a daily basis!


The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch was an emotional but worthwhile read. It’s a book that forces you to ask some hard questions: What’s important now? What’s my legacy? What are my dreams? Am I living life to the fullest? Great book to help you back up and look at the big picture of your life. Pretty short too! If you search Youtube, there’s also a video where Randy gives that “last lecture” that the book is based on. Really amazing! 11,000,000 views and counting if that tells you anything!


Delivered from Distraction a book by Hallowell & Ratey has brought me much hope. ADHD can be overwhelming and make you feel like you’re losing your mind and that you’re all alone in your struggle. Books like this one, help you verbalize and translate what’s happening in your head. It’s a great starting point to learn about ADHD. I usually suggest it to older teens and adults who suspect that they may have ADHD or newly diagnosed individuals.


Continuing on the subject of books and reading, most of you probably know that one of my go-to books is The Bible. There’s all kinds of good stuff in there, but one of my favorite parts is where Jesus says, “In this world you will have troubles. But take heart, for I have overcome the world.” This phrase gives me strength to face my struggles. Which book brings you encouragement & inspires you?


If your ADHD came with Dyslexia like mine did, then reading probably has been and continues to be a challenge. But guess what? Hard or not, reading makes you better! If you struggle with words like I do, remember, the only way to get better is to keep at it. Your vocabulary grows, your spelling gets better, you can express yourself more clearly and all these help with self-confidence. Reading is the p90X for the brain!