Vol. 2 Tip #15; Learn to be Content and Enjoy Life

Life is not perfect. And it never will be, but the key to enjoying the life you have, as imperfect as it may be, is to learn to be content and fully live in the present moment. Of course, this is much harder to do than it sounds and takes most of us years to […]
Vol. 2 Tip #12 Face Your Fears

I’ll be the first to admit that building a successful life can be scary. Why? Because you have to make a lot of decisions the outcomes of which depend greatly on things that you can’t control…which might mean that everything doesn’t go according to plan. And none of us love the idea of failure. Fear […]
Your Past Can Fuel a Successful Future

I’ve been a public speaker for close to 20 years. Spoken to groups as big as 75,000 people and as small as 5. I’ve been all over the world and have maintained a busy speaking schedule consistently for almost two decades with no marketing save word of mouth. You might say I’ve done alright for […]
Finding your Motivation and Staying the Course
There are days when you just don’t feel like doing anything. What’s the point? you ask yourself. I’ve been slaving away at this job/project/idea/marriage for days/weeks/months/years and there doesn’t seem to be a pay-off in sight. I’m tired of this whole thing and it’s time for a change. Usually, this is the point where a lot […]
Vol. 2 Tip #8: You gotta have Faith!

What are you putting your faith in? It goes without saying that having faith in something bigger than yourself, a spiritual faith is vital. At least I believe so. But what about the other kind of faith. The one that takes us out of our comfort zones and helps us to go farther, bigger, better, […]
Vol. 2 Tip #6 Can you be trusted when no one’s watching?

Continuing on from my earlier thoughts on integrity, today I wanted to focus on the idea of how important it is to be the same person in public as you are in private. Would you take something that belonged to someone else, if there were people watching? Would you lie to another person if other […]
Baby steps
You’ve heard it a million times, but I don’t feel bad repeating it once more: To achieve any goal, big or small, is rarely a leap, (unless your goal is to go sky-diving!), it’s mostly a series of small, but vitally important steps. The steps you take often feel tiny, especially if you have a […]
Vol. 1, Tip #28: Making Your Dream Come True, Part 3: Failure
[youtube id=”r7mRCutBxYc”]
Vol. 1, Tip #25: A Menu of Choices
[youtube id=”BCz_1sIhfPs”]
How to Succeed in College Despite Being ADHD
[youtube id=”NhfG38pNkgc”]
Tip #9: Actions have their own Language
[youtube id=”CSWgP7C-3Ns”]
Tip #10: Full Speed Ahead
[youtube id=”8TdOKeE23nw”]
Tip #4: The Secret to success
[youtube id=”WYAP9t389Tg”]
Everything I needed to succeed, I learned playing LEGOs!

If you don’t have a stash of LEGOS somewhere, you’re in the minority. It’s been estimated that seven boxes of LEGOS are sold every second around the world. Wow! I guess if nothing else, the statistics tells us that LEGOS have a pretty high fun factor! The great news is that LEGOS are not just […]